Attention: The KimTim Corp., is currently looking for a qualified company to manufacture and distribute
the Scuff & Buff under a licensing agreemen

Please find below Pertinent Marketing Facts pertaining to the “Scuff & Buff .”

The Scuff & Buff can join a successful
line of bath products.

  • Bathing accessories have dramatically improved in consumer reception in recent years,
    and this tiny category is now 14 th largest in sales in the health and beauty products industry.
    Its growth is expected to continue, in fact.
  • And how much growth is expected? An astronomical amount that far surpasses other product
    categories! Sales of bathing accessories and related products are predicted to enjoy annual sales
    increases of 20 to 25 percent annually in the coming years. That amounts to over $55 million in
    growth for this product line in just one year.
  • The Scuff & Buff can join this rapidly growing market at its most opportune time.

The Scuff & Buff can be included in another
successful product field, as well.

  • The Scuff & Buff doesn't just help clean the feet, but it
    can actually improve the well-being of the feet, too –
    and let's not forget that it can make them feel so good at
    the same time. This combination of benefits can enter the
    Scuff & Buff into the market of holistic, self-administered
    massage products, as well.
  • The pumice stone material within the Scuff & Buff works
    as an exfoliant upon the users' feet, eliminating the dry
    and dead skin from the part of the body that accumulates
    it most. This exfoliation helps release toxins from where
    they gravitationally collect. It also helps stimulate
    circulation, and directly upon the part of the body where poor circulation is likely to affect first.
  • The U.S. market seeking such benefits is growing at a
    very rapid rate, and reaches over 60 million active
    consumers at this time. And 77 percent of this market
    seeks therapeutic, massaging tools for self-application,
    spending over $4 billion annually on these products.
  • By offering such needed therapy, and in a format that consumers want and seek, the Scuff & Buff
    can appeal to this large and growing consumer market.

The Scuff & Buff can provide a needed
improvement to bath safety.

  • Every day on average, 380 persons suffer injuries while
    bathing. The majority of these injuries are due to falls, and
    an outstanding majority of these falls occur due to slipping.
  • And just as the sales of bathing products are increasing, so
    is the number of such bathtub accidents. The number of
    injuries due to falls within bathtubs and showers has increased 8.5 percent in the last 10 years. Even if bathers choose to sit in their bathtubs instead of standing to shower,
    their safety is not improved. In fact, sitting in bath water is
    a major cause of urinary tract infections, and standing to
    shower is recommended by physicians to avoid this circumstance. This leaves most people in a difficult
    situation requiring them to make a difficult decision: which injury should they prevent? Should they sit and acquire
    infection, or should they stand, slip and fall? Thankfully,
    the Scuff & Buff provides an answer to this question, and
    on that consumers will love to hear. The Scuff & Buff
    allows all of its users to safely stand to shower and to avoid having to sit and bathe. The frictional
    materials of this new bath mat device provide gripping traction upon which users may safely stand
    without risk of slipping, and even while moving their feet upon the Scuff & Buff. Even better,it allows
    users to consciously bathe their feet without being self-conscious about falling.
  • The Scuff & Buff can substantially reduce the risks commonly associated with baths and bathing
    products, and can ensure that all of its users enjoy a comfortable and safe bathing experience.

The Scuff & Buff can improve the
bathing experience for many in need.

  • Yes, the risk of slipping and falling while bathing affects everyone, but some folks in particular are of much higher risk for such maladies.
  • Take older Americans, for example. Seniors are much
    more likely to have problems with mobility and balance, making them feel at risk to stand while showering,
    but this age group is also much more susceptible to infections from bath water at the same time, making
    them uncomfortable to sit while bathing.
  • Many disabled persons are already of impaired physical balance, and these millions of Americans lack the ability
    to independently clean their feet as a result.
  • And let's not forget the needs of pregnant women,
    either. Urinary tract infections incurred while pregnant
    could possibly affect the fetus, as well, yet women in
    the latter stages of pregnancy can have balance
    impairments that place them at high risk of slipping
    while standing in a shower.
  • The Scuff & Buff can provide a needed safety improvement and independence enhancement to
    these consumers of need in particular.

A Preliminary Marketing Report is Available Upon Request.