The container portion of the Oil and Oil Filter Retention Device is made in a semi-cylindrical design with full-cylinder back wall, and using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) by blow molding. This container has a length of approximately six inches (6”) and a diameter of approximately five inches (5”), and has a fluid capacity of approximately eight ounces (8 oz).
Contained within the back wall area is a standard end cap oil filter wrench.
Attached to the rear of, and projecting rearward from, this end cap oil filter wrench of the Oil and Oil Filter Retention Device is a rod (socket extension) of two to three inches (2” – 3”) in length made of stainless steel. Longer 3/8” extensions may be required for different length oil filters.
This rod projects through a tube type aperture in the full-cylinder back wall, and this aperture is sealed by bushing made of butadiene acrylonitrile.
Upon this exterior portion of the rod is a circular cog, made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) in an approximate two-inch (2”) diameter.
The exterior end of the rod is of size and shape to accept application of a three-eighths-of-one-inch (?”) ratchet wrench.
The Oil and Oil Filter Retention Device will be manufactured in a total of four (4) different sizes. Two of which are for the vertical versions and two of which are for the horizontal versions.
One of the two vertical versions, and one of the two horizontal versions will accommodate smaller oil filters with a three (3”) inch diameter and various lengths.
One of the two horizontal versions, and one of the two vertical versions will accommodate larger oil filters with diameter of three and three quarter (3 ¾”) inch and various lengths.