Attention: Pop Tops, Inc., is currently
looking for a qualified company to manufacture and distribute the "Sun Shade For Chairs" under
a licensing agreemen

Please find below Pertinent Marketing Facts pertaining to the “Sun Shade for Chairs.”

The Sun Shade for Chairs can improve the independence
of a large and growing consumer market. 

  • Over 9 million Americans are in use of mobility aids.
    We're not talking about crutches or canes, either.
    Those 9.2 million use wheelchairs or their motorized counterparts such as scooters.
  • They don't just use them inside of nursing homes,
    either. In fact, a majority of wheelchair users are under
    65, and still live ordinary adult lives with as much independence as possible.
  • They're personally responsible and go grocery
    shopping for their households. They travel to and
    from workplaces. They're social and visit restaurants
    and other public environments. They even roll out to
    the beaches, parks and ball fields, too.
  • However, when they get to outdoor locations like
    those, that's when their independence starts to fade,
    and in very bright sunlight, too. Since the sunlight
    (or the rain, even) can prevent those same mobility-
    aid-using millions from enjoying those outdoor
    locations like everyone else.
  • Don't believe it? You try it. Try to roll a wheelchair with one hand while holding an umbrella in
    the other. When you get tired of rolling in circles, you'll believe it then. Try grabbing hold of a
    backyard barbecue burger with one hand while the other blocks the sun from your face. You'll
    believe it then.
  • You'll quickly come to see that the new Sun Shade for Chairs can restore crucial independence –
    improve the quality of life, even – for these millions of Americans in need.
  • The Sun Shade for Chairs provides a needed covering upon wheelchair users. It can provide
    that covering in environments in which it's needed most. It can allow those users to more actively
    go to and engage in those environments. The Sun Shade for Chairs can allow that engagement without needing help from anyone else.
  • In other words, the Sun Shade for Chairs provides protection and independence to millions
    of consumers, and can allow them to express their independence much more.

The Sun Shade for Chairs can provide the same
convenient comfort in many other ways, too.

  • The Sun Shade for Chairs isn't limited to wheelchairs and scooters. After all, there are many other structures that it can attach to, and that can benefit from the portable shade it provides.
  • For example, consider outdoor furniture. Many people love to spend time in the open air, but not necessarily directly under the sun at all times. This included picnickers at the picnic table, sunbathers in pool chairs, and many others.
  • The sales of outdoor furniture lately make this format of use much clearer, too. They've enjoyed an annual average growth of 6.5 percent while other furniture items have seemed rather stale in recent years. In fact, 18 percent of all U.S. households purchase outdoor furniture every year.
  • Those sales are anticipated to continue that regular and impressive growth rate. Sales of outdoor furniture in the U.S. are expected to exceed $4.4 billion by 2015. That will be a doubling of annual sales from this product market in just 10 years.
  • Not only can the Sun Shade for Chairs join this vital market, but it isn't limited in reach to private consumers alone. After all, hotels and resorts use outdoor furniture, and the Sun Shade for Chairs can let those facilities cater to individual consumer wants and needs at any time.
  • The Sun Shade for Chairs can enter this broad – and quite successful – product market!

A Preliminary Marketing Report is Available Upon Request