
Adam S. Taylor is currently looking for a qualified company to manufacture and distribute the Rapid Deployable Surveillance System under a licensing agreement.

An Innovative Surveillance Solution – Law Enforcement & Civilian Applications

You’ve seen cameras on utility poles, right? The permanently-mounted, police-type cameras? And you’ve surely seen cameras watching over buildings, warehouses, ranches and homes, right? Those cameras provide real benefits, but they’re also extremely limited in areas of use, affordability, picture quality, control and even deployability! My new product eliminates these limitations by providing a mobile, affordable surveillance tool that’s ideal for law enforcement and civilian use! Read on to learn more.

Inventor Adam S. Taylor is proud to present the Patent Pending Rapid Deployable Surveillance System for review by your company!


The Rapid Deployable Surveillance System (RDSS) is a mobile surveillance tool that can be easily set up, and then maneuvered to a strategic hei... Read more


The Patent Pending RDSS can be cost effectively mass produced in a modern factory setting using existing technology and production methods. A mec .... Read more


Please find below Pertinent Marketing Facts pertaining to the RDSS. The Patent Pending RDSS provides these benefits to very desirable consumers... Read more

This is a Licensing Opportunity. Contact me now!