The main frame of the “Dan Gar Talking Tip Jar” is made of a high density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic material, and in a cylindrical shape with an open top.

The size of the “Dan Gar Talking Tip Jar” is of no specificity, as its shape and/or design and/or principal material of construction.


At the base of the “Dan Gar Talking Tip Jar” is an internal audio speaker, positioned for broadcast through gridded slots about the frame at this area of placement. This audio speaker features an internal microchip that contains pre-recorded verbal messages.

This audio speaker is connected by wire to a magnetic metal band that is positioned about the inner circumference of the top opening of the “Dan Gar Talking Tip Jar
Both this band as well as the speaker is connected by
wire to a battery compartment, featured within the base of the main frame.

Upon the exterior of the base is an “on/off” switch.


  • Cylindrical jar with open top made of high density polyethylene
  • Internal audio speaker at base of jar
  • Gridded slots on exterior face of jar base for audio transmission
  • Internal audio microchip with pre-recorded verbal messages
  • Magnetic metal band about the open circumference of jar top, connected by wire to microchip and battery
  • Battery compartment in jar base
  • On/off switch


  • Insertion of objects into jar breaks magnetic wave field generated by magnetic metal band
  • Insertion of objects activates microchip and audio speaker
  • Provides verbal message upon acceptance of gratuities
  • Ensures that gratuities are acknowledged even when not visually noticed by intended recipients
  • Provides an impetus to customers to offer tips
  • Helps low-income employees increase the funds that constitute the largest portion of their wages
  • Reminds customers when they are within fields of business that are gratuity expectant
  • Rewards customers for their offerings
  • Encourages more frequent tipping
  • Can be made in various sizes, shapes, and designs, and with various verbal messages
  • Can even dissuade theft from tip jars by its speaker activation upon insertion of any object