The Decontamination Backpack uses two proven methods to destroy pathogens, and it can help people, businesses, schools and many other institutions return to normal in a safe and sanitary way.

This innovative backpack features a rechargeable battery, water reservoir, a heating element within that reservoir and a dispensing wand for dispensing germ-killing steam. The pathogen-destroying power doesn’t stop there, as rows LEDs that emit UVC lighting are strategically positioned on the hand-held wand. Both the steam and the UVC lighting quickly destroy viruses, germs and bacteria, including COVID-19.

Not only does this two-method format effectively kill pathogens, but it does so in a safer and less expensive format that other methods. For example, it doesn’t use chemicals. As a result, there are no health risks, no environmental risks, and no regular replacement costs.

The Decontamination Backpack can benefit homes, businesses and a multitude of other environments by allowing them to return to normal operations. Best of all, it provides these benefits at a time when consumer demand for such disinfection is growing at record-breaking rates.

Please contact me or read on to learn more about the patent pending Decontamination Backpack, which your company is invited to include in its product line under a licensing agreement.