Attention: Naddaf Enterprises, Inc.,
is currently looking for a qualified company to manufacture and distribute the Pill Dispenser under a licensing agreement. |
Please find below Pertinent Marketing Facts pertaining to the “Pill Organizer”.
The Pill Organizer helps users
access proper dosages of medications.
- It seems simple enough; just read the directions on the label. “Take one tablet twice daily.” “Take two pills at bed time.” It’s not rocket science, you know. But the rate of accidental misuse of medicine is shocking.
- Every year, 1.5 million people require hospitalization due to accidental misuse of prescription medications, and over 25,000 Americans die from this circumstance.
- This misuse happens rather simply, too. Folks accidentally take two pills instead of one, or only take one instead of two, and simply because they’re not keeping a close enough eye on the amount being dispensed from the bottle when its time for the dose.
- Obviously, this is not a small problem, and in fact it’s getting worse: the number of fatalities due to accidental overdose of prescribed drugs has been rising eight percent annually for almost a decade. Today, death by adverse drug reactions is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States.
- This rapid increase is attributable to many reasons: there are an increasing number of medications available, an increasing number of prescriptions written, and an increasing number of Americans taking more than one medication every day.
- As a result, we now have an increasing number of accidental misuse and misadministration of medications; in fact, this happens to 80 percent of Americans taking prescription medications.
- The Pill Organizer can be the tool that many Americans need to help ensure their proper medication consumption, and to help them avoid accidental death.
The Pill Organizer can fulfill the needs of the
largest group of medication consumers.
- Senior citizens may represent only 12 percent of the population, but they account for over 40 percent of the sales of all prescription drugs. But just because they use so many medicines doesn’t mean they can comfortably access them.
- Even without the childproof caps, medicine bottles are difficult for many senior citizens to open. Older arthritic hands cannot comfortably access and open even the easy pop-up lids that seal some prescription bottles. Not only is it odd for them to have to strain their hands and fingers to access their arthritis medicines, but seniors are also very prone to spill their medications, too.
- The Pill Organizer, however, can give these consumers who use the most medications an easier alternative to access them. No small bottles to hold, no tight caps to lift or turn, no stress and no strain. Just push the top, and the pill will drop.
The Pill Organizer can help ensure regularity and
proper dosages of vitamins, minerals and supplements, too.
- Americans love nutritional supplements; over 45 million in the U.S. are purchasing such items, and are buying them more and more every year. In 2006, the sales of vitamins and minerals reached $1.768 billion while herbal supplements reached $396 million. Obviously, American consumers recognize the benefits of these products, and are purchasing them with regularity.
- These vitamins and supplements need to be taken with regularity, too, though. Their health benefits are not offered with irregularity in consumption, and maintaining a regular dosage schedule is required to achieve the desired positive results. But those positive results can be lost, even reversed, if these vitamins and supplements are taken in higher than recommended quantities.
- For example, not enough Vitamin C may put you at risk of catching a cold, but too much Vitamin C can lead to kidney stones. Vitamin A, if taken in high dosages, can lead to liver damage and blindness. And overconsumption of Vitamin E, which many take for its antioxidant benefits, can lead to death.
- It seems obvious that these supplements should be taken, but it’s even more obvious that they need to be taken safely, and with controlled dosage. And the Pill Organizer can give its users the opportunity to exercise control in their dosages.
- With the Pill Organizer, consumers of vitamins and minerals can be regularly reminded of the regularity required in those supplements, and can easily access them with just a touch upon the device. Even better, it reminds its users of the need to avoid overconsumption, too, and can prevent them from accidentally overtaking those supplements.
A Complete Preliminary Marketing Report is
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