Attention: Jeffrey L. King is currently looking for a qualified company to manufacture and distribute the Tonneau Cover Lift under a licensing agreement.

Please find below Pertinent Marketing Facts pertaining to the Tonneau Cover Lift.

The Tonneau Cover Lift can appeal to a large and growing consumer group.

  • Move over, sedan and you too, sportscar. The same goes vans and station wagons, too. Today, pickup trucks are outselling all those vehicle types.
  • While they've been creeping up the ladder for years, trucks sales skyrocketed in 2018, with 7.7 percent growth that realized 2.84 million new pickup sales.
  • Their 2019 sales remain strong, as well, with about 275,000 new non-commercial pickup trucks sold each month through August. That's 16.4 percent growth over 12 months. General Motors even complained that it could barely keep up with the new consumer demand.
  • While overall vehicle sales have set a new record of over 17 million new units sold in each of the last four years, pickups are the key factor. For example, last year sedan sales dropped 12 percent; it's the 7.7 percent increase in higher-value pickups that gave the industry its 2018 growth.
  • Annual sales of automobiles are projected to continue improving, but only by riding on the coattails of pickups. In fact, one industry analysis projects sedan and sportscars to dwindle down to 20-to-25 percent of annual unit sales by 2025 while total vehicle sales continue growing, with pickups and SUVs claiming the difference.
  • Pickup sales aren't the only thing growing, so are the sales of their accessories and at an even higher rate. While pickup sales grew 7.7 percent in 2018, sales of exterior accessories for this vehicle type grew 8.9 percent, reaching approximately $9.3 billion last year.
  • Bed covers such as standard tonneau covers accounted for approximately $850 million of that total. Tonneau covers are expected to continue growing, with industry projections of 9.4 percent annual growth through 2024.
  • The Tonneau Cover Lift can appeal to this very large and growing consumer group of pickup truck owners and accessory purchasers. This is a licensing opportunity. Contact me now.

A Preliminary Marketing Report is Available upon Request.